Tuesday, May 26, 2009

storm thundered morning

storm thundered morning
deep in brushing rain she sleeps
hand resting in mine

Friday, May 22, 2009

Stealing from the Master

The first two lines of this Haiku are from the Kurosawa film classic Rashomon. I thought they were two beautiful thought provoking lines that would work well in Haiku. Last line's all me. I'm awesome like that.

Life’s ephemeral,
As fleeting as morning dew.
Still the Robin sings.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

night falls and spring breathes

night falls and spring breathes
leaves like fingers grasp the wind
then fall still again

Monday, May 18, 2009

consider lilies

consider lilies:
seared streaks of pink vibrancy
envy of fashion

-Luke 12:27

Friday, May 15, 2009

cardinal, red flash

cardinal, red flash
heart of leafy green maple
darts between branched veins

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

star dies, shards of light

An uplifting haiku for the day...

star dies, shards of light
pierce the black fabric of space
splintered universe

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rollerskating with Quinn

I wrote this one a few weeks ago on one of the first days of spring. I had just come home from work, walked into the house and found my 4 yr old daughter, Quinn, getting her Dora® rollerskates on. Without waiting for me to close the door behind me she said, " Hey Daddy. Wanna' play with me?" Heck yeah I did.

Rollerskate laughter.
Warm breeze drifts through budding tree.
Time alone with Quinn.

Friday, May 8, 2009

erratic, graceful

I think it's funny how butterflies dart around like crazy, instead of flying smoothly like a bird. I wonder what that's all about. The other day my son was trying to catch some in a butterfly net. After a couple of failed attempts, I pointed one out to him sitting nice and still. Turns out it was a wasp. Ok, so that's not really relevant, but it's a funny story.

erratic, graceful
butterflies, drunk on May wind
flex their wings and fly

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Looks like Dad was right.

Thinking about all of the things I thought I would do with my life. Turns out I like watching TV much more than pursuing my dreams.

wasted potential
no one knocked on my door
looks like Dad was right

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

spring clouds, blue with rain

haiku for a rainy wednesday...

spring clouds, blue with rain
pregnant, milky swaths of storm
drench the dirt with life

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

a long, sleepless night

Below was my first attempt in crafting a Haiku. I was laying in bed and my mind felt like it was being consumed in a web of self doubt. All these questions - Am I a good father? Am I a good Husband? What am I doing with my life? Why do I do the things I do? - all of this stuff, just keeping me from sleeping. So I decided to write a haiku. I mean, what else do you do when you can't sleep?

Night. Awake. Staring.
Inside, raging confusion.
Finally sleep comes.

Monday, May 4, 2009

morning lit window

morning lit window
rising sun through tree branches
webs of dew-dripped light

Sunday, May 3, 2009

About this blog

We are two dorky white dudes who like Chinese and Japanese art and music, samurai films, and yes, haikus -- those profound little three line poems that in ancient times were said to take a lifetime to master. Well, we don’t have a lifetime to devote to this but we’re willing to give it a year. Hope you’ll join us on this journey and comment with your own haiku poetry when the muse hits you.